NSW Woman Mistakes $20 Million Powerball Win for $20,000

A resident from New South Wales initially believed she had secured a $20,000 prize from her Powerball ticket, only to be pleasantly surprised by her family who revealed she had actually won $20 million. The fortunate woman clinched the sole division one winning entry in a recent Powerball draw, bought from Gladstone Newsagency and General Store. She expressed feeling like she was in a dreamlike state upon learning of her staggering win.

“I got up this morning and checked my ticket,” she said
“I looked at it and then ran to my family and said, ‘I’ve won $20,000’.
“They looked at it and then looked at me and said, ‘No you haven’t. You’ve won $20 million’.”
She said she would have been happy with $20,000 that she originally thought it was.
“I want to get a house and I’d love to go travelling around the world,” she said.
“I keep thinking I’ll wake up and I’ll be back in reality.”

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